Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Great is Thy Faithfulness...

God has been so sweet lately in filling my life with reminders of His Faithfulness! Support has been coming in from unexpected places (including a $1,000 rebate from Texas A&M that I have no idea how I managed to get, WHOOP!) and everything just seems to be falling into place. I had breakfast with Jamie Bauknight (she's also going to Kenya with AIM), a weekly ritual, and it was so wonderful to hear about how God is providing so faithfully. I was getting so excited hearing about it that I could hardly sit still in my squeaky Chick-fil-A booth! I often have to remind myself not to be quite so surprised at it all - for this is our God :)

I've gotten a lot done in the past two weeks - finished my shots, bought luggage (at super discounted prices), bought a year's worth of toiletries and contacts (at Sam's - so super discounted prices; also, this is a very fun thing to do - I felt like I was preparing for hurricane season or Armageddon or something!), finished all of my AIM/RVA paperwork, applied for an international drivers liscence (that should be interesting... first time I drove a standard, I drove over a barbed-wire fence... hopefully I'll do better on the other side of the road?), and - most importantly - bought my first pair of Chacos (at a super discounted price). I've done a lot more too, but those are things I'm super proud of.

Anyways, I just wanted to let everyone know how faithful God is. It's beautiful to watch, and I pray that you see it tomorrow and in the coming days!

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