Week two of school was much more challenging than the first, but I still love it and have decided I'll go back tomorrow, praise God :) The personalities of my students are really starting to come out, and it's been great figuring them out and working with the different kids. I've also learned a lot more about their parents' ministries, and it continuously blows me away to see how these people have sacrificed so much for the sake of the Gospel.
I hired a houseworker on Monday. I think I've written about this before, but I'll write about it again. Every household at RVA is "highly recommended" to have a houseworker. It's very normal here, and it's a huge blessing to many of the women in the community, as they now have a way to provide for their family, however small it may be. My worker, Bernice, also works for Jenny 2 days a week and is the one who took us to Little Lambs a couple weeks ago. She has a son who turns 6 tomorrow, so we're hoping to take him cake and presents after school and give her some ingredients to make him a nice birthday dinner. I am so thankful that God has placed her in our lives - she is absolutely fantastic :)
Hm. Have I mentioned how beautiful Africa is? Have I mentioned how beautiful Kijabe is? Here's the view I see every morning when I walk to class. Note the IDP camp in the lower left corner. It's been great seeing it every morning and being reminded to pray for them. Also, in real life, it's about 1029 times more beautiful, but maybe you can have some idea of it...
And here's a view from the side of campus while me and Jenny went looking for monkeys...
And one of the monkeys we found (usually we see them all the time, but go figure the one time we have a camera with us they refuse to be seen...)
And, one of the most beautiful views is actually right in front of my house...
The past couple of nights the sky has been completely clear, and I feel like a picture of it would get me a few million dollars because of how beautiful it is...
Anyways, God has continuously been gracious in opening doors to serve here - I'll be teaching 8th grade Sunday School starting next week and was asked to be a Class Sponsor for 7th grade - something that will require quite a bit of time but will give me huge opportunities to get to know the kids better. It's really great here being able to spend time with the kids outside of class, and in a way that makes us more than just their teachers. It's especially great since my kids are so cool... :)
God hasn't ceased to amaze me since I've been here, and it's so incredible to watch Him continuously work in His perfect ways.
Before I end this, I'd like to ask you to pray for rain. We got just a little bit today, but we need more of it, and we need it more consistently. I was talking to a lady who sells veggies at the dukas and she said it's still not helping since there's not very much of it. The lands here are so dry, and the people are suffering so much because of it. Please pray that God sends rain to nourish the land, and that He sends His presence to nourish the people.
Also, please say hello to Skittles, Scotch tape, dryers, chocolate chips, raisins, scented candles, 3 hole-punchers, and hi-speed internet for me. Thanks :)
guess this means your care package from home has not arrived yet! It's not quite as easy as running things up to College Station (or overnighting belts for bridesmaids dresses when you forget them!). Maybe I should start planning for Christmas gifts now! Love you - Mom
ReplyDeletehaha yeah, it's a little different. I'll let you know when it gets here... maybe this week? (Fingers are crossed...)