Since my sweet friend Brooke (howdy!) shared this artist with me a few years back, this has become one of my favorite songs. As I look back at the ways God has worked in my life, the theme that I often tell people that I see throughout the whole journey is God's Faithfulness. I could point to a million times in my life where He's worked in ways that I couldn't understand or couldn't justify for a long time, but undoubtedly ended up beautifully. Since coming here, God has shown His Faithfulness in so many ways, and He has made it more than clear when His hand is at work and that I - we - have no reason to worry.
I haven't really updated this term mostly because I haven't wanted family to worry. Some of you know, some of you don't - this term has started out rough, to say the least. We've had quite a few bouts with different sicknesses which has caused some crazy situations. We started the term with an outbreak of H1N1 that left a pretty big number of students and staff sick, meaning a lot of disruptions in teaching and extra responsibilities. One of my close friends here got pretty sick, so a lot of my extra time was spent with her. But even in the midst of her hospital stay, we were able to point to so many blessings that occured because of the circumstances, and God's Hand was so evident through it all, including through healing her. Right at the end of the H1N1 outbreak, my other close friend, Cassie, got sick. After weeks of prayer, they decided to fly her home more than anything because of the long recovery process she faces. It's hard to lose a friend and neighbor, but it's been hard for her as well to leave this place she's grown to love. However, God has prepared me and so many others so well for this, allowing us to stand on the assurance that our lives are in His hands and that His plans are working for the better. I have no idea why He would take Cassie back early, but He does, and I'm confident in Him. She came to say goodbye on Wednesday and her 5th grade class came to say goodbye - it was so precious. Cass, here's some pictures.. I'll send you the rest soon :)
I only share this to testify to God's Faithfulness. Though I didn't share a lot of details, know this: God is working in a beautiful way, and we have all the reason in the world to trust Him.
"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness." -Lamentations 3:21-22